Euro-Mediterranean Forum
Euro-Mediterranean Forum (EMEF) is a non-profitable and independent organization, part of Croatian civil society and the only national non-governmental organization which supports multidisciplinary think-tank of free-minded theorists, experts and scientists who produce policy proposals and recommendations based on foresights, researches and analyses.
EMEF was founded in December 2008 with it’s headquarter in Split, the largest city on the East Adriatic coast.
Following the vision of Croatia’s national interests, potentials and benefits related with Adriatic/Mediterranean resources and opportunities, EMEF contributes to public debate and participates in studies, events and projects, presenting reliably Croatian civil role in the decision making process.
EMEF’s members have knowledge, skill and reputation to represent the public interest in responsible and accessible way.
Organization’s permanent working groups produce policy briefs, reports, analyses and researches to enable general and sustainable development in Croatia.
EMEF wants to provoke wide public attention on issues and questions of national interest focused on countries’ Adriatic/Mediterranean orientation, to affect changes and responsive action of governmental and local public authorities.
EMEF has important role in providing information to citizens and in public presentation and advocating of views and ideas.
As Forum reflects the place of knowledge sharing, confrontation of opinions, will creation and starting point for action, EMEF presents a unique chance for people who are bringing freshness, motivation and energy to contribute in transition of existing governance system into the more public responsive one.
For specific business and economy projects, as well as for technical and administrative support, in March 2010 EMEF has established Institute for the Mediterranean economy perspectives (IPEMED), which has primary task to provide services for EMEF’s institutional partners - companies, prefectures, municipals and citizen groups of interests, who are sharing similar views and support EMEF’s work.
Tonci Tadic Ph.D. physics (President)
Jaksa Milicic Ph.D. (Vice-president, technologies of communal waste treatment)
Ranko Goic Ph.D. (energy and renewable sources)
Senad Bajramovic Ph.D. (political systems and Islam)
Petar Reic Ph.D. (water purification technologies)
Alen Soldo Ph.D. (fishery and ichthyology)
Zeljko Ivancevic (business and management)
Maja Fredotovic Ph.D. (urban and spatial economy)
Robert Plejic Ph.D. (architecture)
Igor Tabak (security and civil protection)
Stipe Bozic (journalism and multi-cultural cooperation)
- Policy-makers without vision, undefined national interests, lack of strategy and agenda for the best possible Croatian future;
- Continuous neglecting of the national Mediterranean component, especially the importance of Adriatic Sea, coast and islands as crucial resources and main generators of social and economic development of Croatia;
- Present political and economic role of Croatia in the Mediterranean is far under real potentials, considering opportunities related with traditional friendship and respect with Arab countries, wide range of competitive value-added products for export, leading position among Eastern-Adriatic countries, soon to come EU membership and membership in the Union for the Mediterranean;
- The lack of wider understanding how organized civil society can participate as a partner in national decision making processes, as well as unrecognizing of what the benefits are of public participation and the risks and costs of lack of it;
- Deep gap between declared public policies and its implementation, without adequate monitoring and effective public reaction;
- Need for transitioning of present Croatian model of governance into the institutionally structured, eligible, accountable and transparent system, responsive to public interest.
- Adriatic as a key for determination of Croatian national interests and strategies
- Open visibility to national perspectives and projects in the Mediterranean
- Protection of the Croatian marine environment in the Adriatic
- Sustainability of small island communities in Croatia
- Fishery policy in the Adriatic Sea
- Mediterranean Solar plan in Croatia
- Maritime security on the Adriatic and Croatian Coast Guard
- Municipal waste treatment in the Croatian coast and islands
- Urban and spatial planning in the Croatian coast and islands
- Water protection, governance and management
- Croatian sea-ports and terminals
- Mediterranean knowledge economy and centers for innovation and technology
- Promotion of opportunities for Croatia within the Union for the Mediterranean
- Public debate on policy proposals for sustainable development of Croatia;
- Synergy of public authorities, business, science and civil society, coordinated by the independent think-tanks;
- Long-term collaboration with all relevant national stakeholders: President of the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Parliament, Government, ministries and agencies, universities and institutes, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, National Competiveness Council and civil society organizations;
- Gathering policy-supporting groups and other stakeholders;
- Networking with EU-Med think-tanks and other international organizations to share knowledge, information, initiatives and best practices;
- Fostering the Croatian role in the Mediterranean and promoting East-Adriatic Coordination.
- Sustainable national development to enable rise of GDP and better social standard for all population;
- Recognition and definition of national interests related with Croatian resources and potentials in the Adriatic and Mediterranean;
- Bottom-up approach to policy-making process as a result of wide and profound public debate between all relevant stakeholders: governmental and local authorities, scientists, think-tanks, business and civil society organizations;
-Civil participation in process of building an enabling environment for developing new policies: political will, favorable legislation and precise procedures;
- Implementation of dedicated programs and projects, followed with surveillance and monitoring of outputs to reach the best public interest;
- Building of a structure for monitoring social adjustments to new reality within the EU;
- City of Split as one of the Mediterranean administrative and business centers.
- Identifying the priorities for policy researches as a result of evidenced analysis;
- Producing foresight studies and expertise based on modeling;
- Development of current policies and creating new or alternative ones;
- Increasing public awareness by providing relevant information;
- Creating additional space for civil initiatives;
- Argumentation support to new raised questions and issues of public interests;
- Elaborated advocacy based on relevant researches and data;
- Consulting with governmental officials and institutions in charge for related policies;
- Monitoring the policy implementation and evaluating the outcomes;
- Rethinking of used methods, procedures and structures;
- Publishing of studies, press releases and other informational material;
- Organizing conferences, panels and public debates;
- Using all available communication tools to allow the best results.
- Raising the awareness on organization’s mission, structure and activities;
- Production of framework documents, briefs, foresights, analysis, studies and reports;
- Permanent public dialogued with governmental and local authorities;
- Continual communication with relevant media;
- Involvement and training of civil participants interested in process;
- Work on specific developing projects;
- Participation in international Mediterranean projects;
- Building the cooperative network of involved actors;
- Provision of the shared knowledge, experiences and best practices;
- Forming new organization structures;
- Enlarging the organization with respectable analysts and opinion makers;
- Upgrading organization’s web sites and newsletter;
- Maintaining the office, communication tools and other technical resources.